Wednesday 13 July 2016

Hairy Affair

Hi friends!

Since I last posted, I have been super busy getting all my ducks in a row in order to tackle this next surgery and treatment. I'm looking at 6 months out of action here, so there is a lot to sort out. My days are a mixture of making calls, sorting life admin and belongings, and lying in bed. I want to say a special thank you to Jessica   (Matthew's sister) for helping me with getting said ducks in a row - Jess, you are an angel. 

My mastectomy and immediate reconstruction have been brought forward to the 10th of August. It has been a bit of a job to get this scheduled in because of the 8 hour surgery time. 

I'm starting to get used to the idea of chemotherapy now and am actually feeling grateful that I have that option to eradicate this thing. It'll be 4 gruelling months of extreme fatigue and potentially sickness and hair loss, but all worth it to live the rest of my life care-free (sort of)...


As most of you know, I am a hair girl. (Hair, not hairy, please!) Ha ha! Over the years, I've dabbled in countless styles and colours. 
I wouldn't feel the same without my locks and have decided to get the best wig that I can, and hopefully some semi-permanent eyebrow tattooing. After a lot of thought and being prodded by a lovely new friend, I have set up a Gofundme page to raise some funds to help with these costs. 

Please friends, don't feel obliged to throw anything in as I will find ways, but as a few people have asked if they can help me - this would be most helpful to me. (Please don't let me look like Uncle Fester!) 😉

Thank you for all your lovely messages that continue to stream in. I love you guys. 

Sarah xxx

P.S. A few people have asked if they can share my blog. Please do! I'd love others to benefit from my journey. Kind strangers have also been messaging me with their own stories and experiences...and it's really positive and uplifting. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so very proud of you Sarah Jane! You are amazing and so inspirational and I just love you so very much!!! There's definitely no way you you could ever look like Uncle Fester you beautiful girl! We will definitely be contributing!!! xxx<3

  3. Keep the "Faith" girl, i know YOU GOT THIS, will be sending you love & Light to cover you and keep you strong,,xxxxx
