Thursday 4 August 2016

Preparing for the big day

Hello friends!

I thought I'd give you all a quick update on how things are going. Surgery is fast approaching next Wednesday, the 10th of August. I'm feeling as prepared as can be. I have so many people to thank for this. My gorgeous boyfriend and his wonderful sister have helped me with all things house-related, so that's one less thing to worry about. 
Thank you also to my wonderful friends and family (as well as a couple of kind-hearted strangers) who donated to my Hairy Affair fund! Thanks to you guys, I've been able to keep up with my acupuncture sessions. I really feel that acupuncture has helped with my anxiety through all of this. I remember feeling as cool as a cucumber before the last op, and I expect I will be just as chilled on Wednesday morning. Although I may be half asleep...I've got to be at RUH for 7.30am! Good job I'll be knocked out for the day as the surgery will take 7-8 hours, then I'll sleep some more. Ha ha!

I've also got some fantastic new eyebrows! So many people have complimented me on them, so I'm really pleased. I'll need one more session to complete the process, and then just yearly top ups. Huge thank you to my talented eyebrow tattooist, Bethan Francesca


I have also had an incredible amount of support from a secret group on Facebook that has over 2000 young women with breast cancer. There is so much support out there and no one should ever feel alone in what they are going through. I have signed up to Penny Brohn's living well residential courses (starting in September) as well as a Younger Women Together event in Bristol in November, to hear from experts on a wide range of breast cancer topics. These free courses offer so much! Most offer a wealth of invaluable information, free accommodation and food and refreshments, as well as the chance to meet with other young women with breast cancer. 

The ladies that I'm chatting to are at different stages of their treatment and recovery, and I'm in awe of their positivity and humour. It's contagious. ❤️

So really, I am in the best place I can be at the moment. Looking forward to getting the surgery done and get on to the next stage of treatment and recovery. Thanks again to you all for your support! Please keep reading. I will blog throughout my stay in hospital next week as I'll be in for around 6 days. 

Please do leave comments/ask questions and share my blog. 

Sarah xx


  1. Wishing you everything of the best ... stay positive, it really is catching! Much love, Wanda and family xx

  2. Hi Sarah,
    We have a mutual friend who forwarded me the link to this fabulous blog! You have been so strong throughout your journey so far! I have (or hopefully had) a grade 3 invasive DC and was diagnosed last Dec. I have already had 8 rounds of chemo and 16 fractions of radiotherapy and am booked in for a double mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction on Monday. Your blog is so inspiring and gives me so much hope that I will be on the road to recovery soon! Chemo is a complete ball ache and I truly hope you don't have to have it but if you do and you want any insight feel free to bellow xxxx good luck with your recovery xxx
